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红外接收管的峰值波长确实存在850nm的型号,但相较于940nm的接收管,其市场应用确实较少,主要原因如下: 1. 发射端与接收端的波长匹配性 红外接收管的峰值波长需要与发射端的波长匹配。850nm的红外发射管主要用于监控设……
Technical discussion|2025-02-27
PIR(被动红外)人体接近传感器若不安装菲涅尔透镜,会显著影响其性能和工作效果,主要体现在以下几个方面: 1. 检测距离和角度大幅降低 菲涅尔透镜的核心作用之一是聚焦红外信号,通过透镜的聚光能力将分散的红外线集中到传感器上,从而大幅增加探测距离和角度。例如,菲涅尔透镜可以将原本仅能覆盖几米的检测范围扩展到10米以上,且水平或垂直视场角可达到120°甚至更大。 不安装的影响: - 传感器仅能依赖自身有限的进光量,导致探测距离缩短至1-2米,且检测角度显著缩小。 -
Technical discussion|2025-02-10
红外接近传感器的灵敏度确实可能受到光照(包括灯光和自然光)的影响,具体取决于传感器的设计和工作环境。以下是详细分析: ……
Technical discussion|2025-02-08
问:类似下面的参考电路,光敏传感器光敏电阻的光照阈值怎么确定?答: TR1由R1的电压来控制导通或截止,TR1的导通电压是0.7V,光敏的光电流典型值是6微安@10lux(鑫永诚光源下,不同光源下的光电流会有所差异),把R1设置为100KΩ,则在10lux时Vr1为0.6V,小于0.7V,此时TR1为截止状态 ……
Technical discussion|2024-06-13
[Lens] Should we pay attention to the direction when installing the infrared lens of the PIR sensor?
[Lens] Should we pay attention to the direction when installing the infrared lens of the PIR sensor?
Customer A: Hello, this lens does not need to pay attention to the mounting direction when using, spherical NEWOPTO: For the installation method of wall hanging, the two positions are best on the horizontal direction line NEWOPTO:
Technical discussion|2024-04-23
[Photosensitive] Why is the resistance of R7 adjusted from 10K to 30K to 100K in the office light (100lux) will light up?
[Photosensitive] Why is the resistance of R7 adjusted from 10K to 30K to 100K in the office light (100lux) will light up?
Customer asked: The resistance of R7, from 10K to 30K, to 100K, In the office light (100lux) will light up, Whether our circuit design is unreasonable, As soon as the power is on, when there's enough light in the office environment, It&
Technical discussion|2024-04-19
Technical discussion|2024-04-19